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Sunrise Dutch Education Fund

is a small-scale but very effective education fund for children in Nepal that was established in 2007. In Nepal, it is very difficult for a single parent or if there are no parents and relatives looking after a child, due to whatever situation, it is very difficult to pay the costs for education of their child. The SDEF fund makes it possible for every child to attend school for a period of ten years so that they can complete primary and secondary school. There are still many children in Nepal who do not have access to primary education. We would like to help them, but we desperately need help.

The education program
SDEF provides a child with school fees, school clothes, books, writing utensils, lunches and shoes for ten years. The costs are € 150.00 per year per child. The total amount per child is reserved in advance on a bank account in the Netherlands. The money is not transferred to the parent(s)/family members, but directly to the school from the Netherlands, so that we know for sure that the money is actually used for the education of the children.


At the moment 92 children follow the education program. A total of 124 children have participated over the past 15 years.

Funds from campaigns, donors and sponsors all go directly to the education program. Gifts we receive are fully used to achieve our goal. We have no overhead costs and all board members do their work on their own account.

Local staff
SDEF works with three local board members who come from two regions of Sindupalchok (north) and Magwanpur (south) and know the schools and villages well. They receive the applications through the directors of the schools. Checking the home situation and handling and discussing the applications and children with the board in the Netherlands. In addition, they monitor the progress of all children very regularly and can make quick adjustments on the spot. As a result, we as the Dutch board are immediately aware of the current situation.


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